IN FAR WEST TEXAS EVERYONE COUNTS RIO GRANDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS ANNOUNCES: Now, more than ever, it is important to be counted in the 2020 Census Far West Texas (March 27, 2...
Remote instruction will continue through Friday, April 3. Dirks-Anderson Elementary Parents/guardians can pick up new assignments and drop off completed assignments at the elem...
The outbreak of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. We,...
We miss our students! FDISD will have a school staff parade around town Thursday, March 26 beginning at 6 p.m. Everyone is invited to come out of their homes and wave to us. Or...
Remote instruction will continue through Friday, April 3. FDISD parents/guardians can drop off completed assignments and pick up new instructional material at the campuses Monday,...
Face-to-face instruction continues to be cancelled through Friday, April 3. Dirks-Anderson Elementary parents/guardians can drop off completed assignments and pick up new instruct...
Given the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19 and in compliance with the Governor’s announcement today, Fort Davis ISD will extend the suspension of normal district operation...
FDISD students who experience technical difficulties with ChromeBook, T-Mobil HotSpot, or accessing online instruction, please email Technology Director Laura Gonzalez at lgonzale...
FDISD students who experience technical difficulties with ChromeBook, T-Mobil HotSpot, or accessing online instruction, please email Technology Director Laura Gonzalez at lgonzale...
Fort Davis ISD continues to actively monitor the situation regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Like you, the safety and well-being of our students, staff and community is...
Fort Davis ISD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
for the Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreak District Closure
The following FAQs are listed below in an effort to provide cla...
Face-to-face instruction has been cancelled for the week of March 16-20. Parents/guardians can pick up school-issued laptops and instructional material at the campuses Monday, Mar...
Face-to-face instruction has been cancelled for the week of March 16-20. Parents/guardians can pick up school-issued laptops and instructional material at the campuses Monday, Mar...
UIL activities are canceled through March 29th. Cheer clinics and tryouts have been postponed until further notice. Spanish Club activities, including the performance in San Ant...
FDISD is continuing to monitor the progress of the COVID-19 in the Big Bend area. There are no confirmed cases in our region or within the district’s boundaries; however, there a...
The Coronavirus is dominating our attention right now, but we also have an extremely important government activity taking place this year.....our 2020 Census . Please select...
Fort Davis ISD is monitoring the spread of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, closely. We expect more guidance and information from the Texas Education Agency on Friday, Mar 13. We will...
House Bill 3, referred to as HB3, made some dramatic changes to public school finance after the last legislative session. Fort Davis ISD had been considered a “rich” district by ...
I have several concerns regarding public education finance. The last legislative session gave radical Republicans, like Dan Patrick, their campaign sound bites....but no one seem...