Board of Trustees
District Information
Dirks-Anderson Elementary
Junior High/High School
Parents & Students
Staff Resources
Required Postings
Possession and Use of Personal Telecommunications Devices, Including Mobile Telephones
Students are issued, or allowed access to, school computers for instructional purposes; therefore, there is no instructional need for students to possess personal electronic devices, such as tablets, laptop computers, or MP3 players at school. The district understands that many parents feel their children need to carry cell phones (smart phones) to school for emergency communication purposes; however, there is no instructional need for students to use cell phones during the school day.
In order to minimize distractions to instruction and to protect our students from obscene, violent, or other inappropriate media and content, the district will no longer allow these personal devices to be brought to school (tablets, laptops, Nooks, etc.). The district cannot effectively control and monitor personal devices for such inappropriate content, and there is no instructional need for these personal devices. Phones may be brought to school, but may not be used during the school day on school grounds, including the lunch period.
Cell phones may not be openly visible, used, or turned on during the school day on school grounds. Any personal devices being used at school during the school day (other than school issued laptops) will be confiscated by staff and given to the principal. The first confiscation/violation will result in the device being held until the end of the school day and may be picked up by an authorized adult (not the student). The second confiscation/violation will result in the device being held for a minimum of 1 week and may be picked up by an authorized adult (not the student). The third confiscation/violation will result in the device being held until the end of the semester and may be picked up by an authorized adult (not the student).
Beginning January 6, 2015, any confiscated electronics will be assessed a fine of $15. The equipment will be available for pick up as described above after the first, second, and third offenses, but a fine will be collected prior to the device being released.
Translation Procedure
In an effort to increase parental and family engagement and support two-way communication, Fort Davis ISD will provide, to the extent practicable, the District Improvement Plan, the Parent and Family Engagement Policy, and any other pertinent information in a language and format understood by parents and the public. These documents may be accessed in English: on the FDISD website; at the campus principal's offices; hardcopy available upon request. Should there be families who speak languages other than English, as evidenced by the Home Language Survey, FDISD will provide translations orally. Parents may request translated documents by contacting the campus principals.
Procedimiento de traducción
En un esfuerzo por aumentar la participación de los padres y la familia y apoyar la comunicación bidireccional del la escuela al hogar, FDISD proporcionará, en lamedida de lo posible, el Campus Improvement Plan, la Parent and Family Engagement Policy, y otra información pertinente en un idioma y formato comprendido por los padres y el público . Se puede acceder a estos documentos en inglés: En el sitio del web FDISD; En la oficina de principal; Copia en papel disponible a pedido. Si hay familias que hablan otros idiomas además del inglés, como lo demuestra la Encuesta sobre el idioma del hogar, FDISD proporcionará las traducciones oralmente. Los padres pueden solicitar documentos traducidos por principals.
The Texas Education Code is part of the Texas statutes and can be found online. The link below will take you to Texas Constitution and Statutes Online. The drop down menu for "Code" will allow you to select "Education Code," followed by the various titles, chapters, and sections.
Texas Constitution and Statutes Online
The Texas Administrative Code, Title 19 Education, deals with all the public education administrative regulations in Texas for primary, secondary, and higher education. The link below takes you to this.
Texas Administrative Code, Title 19 Education
Within the Texas Administrative Code you will find the specific Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), which detail the specific objectives and goals to be taught for each class and subject. The link below will take you to the main page, with the TEKS beginning at Chapter 110.
Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 2 Texas Education Agency